If we have learned anything about SEO in the past few years it is that social media is playing a big part in Google rankings signals. Search engines love to see that people are linking and sharing your content with friends, family and fellow bloggers. If Google sees social media buzz, they will know there is something about your site that people like giving your site more SEO weight.

Social Media Advertising Network

If you have not dipped your toe into the social media and social networking markets yet then I suggest you start ASAP. Creating a Facebook account, Twitter account, Pinterest account, Google Plus account and any other social media sites you can find. Once you have these social networking account you will find that it is harder than you think to get them rolling with fans, friends and followers.

Linknami – Viral Seeding

Linknami Viral Seeding
One site that I have found is linknami.com. Linknami help market your social media and will have people talk about your page, this in turn gets the word out about you and gains you followers, AKA Viral Seeding. Linknami also pays publishers to do this social media marketing work. You share pages you like with your followers and get paid to do so.

No matter if you have not started doing social media or are stuck with no one following you, I really suggest you do something to get things rolling. If you have an interesting page, people will start to like you and it helps with Google SEO. They just have to know you are there and they are not the only ones.

Linknami Viral Video SEO

Why not create a viral buzz with a Linknami viral video, it’s amazing the SEO value a viral video can have as part of an SEM strategy.