You want to save money? Don’t just use your mind. Use your phone. Nowadays, there are tons of money saving applications for smart phones allowing people to find better deals for the most common needs that we have to choose for our homes or for our personal needs. A smart phone can become a genius phone if you just put the right set of apps that can help you get some amazing deals done.
1. Gas Buddy is a fantastic app that allows the users to find the closest gas station from where you are located. That saves time. However, the money saving does not stop there. It also lists down the current prices per gallon as well as the directions, think of it as a GPS with a mission: a mission to save as much money on the road.
2. Groupon is a popular site that offers great deals in your area. It is not available as a free app and it allows you to find the greatest deals about pretty much anything. From restaurant discounts, or many other products and items that are available in that area. You name it; Groupon can definitely find the right deal for the day.
3. If you like to get things amplified to a whole new level, then Shop Savvy is a unique app to save you some money. Say you want to buy shoes for $100. Check the barcode that is on the shoes and it will recognize the brand and style and it will find the lowest possible deal that you can find. That is such an amazing thing and it could save you a several dollars just by scanning the bar code. That seems like a very nifty way to save money.
4. If you love coupons, Pushpins is a perfect app that allows you to have the coupons you need on your phone. You scan the items you need to buy and if there are any coupons for that product, it will be linked to the shopper card. Now, it is a lot easier and chicer to go and shop like a smart shopper should.