If you follow a few simple steps, you could bring down your current auto insurance expenditure by half. Let this article be a guide for you to do so.


The first thing to do is to shop around for a good insurance provider that is able to pay you when you need a claim paid. Also you need to check the financial stability of the insurance company you are going to choose.

Ask about other discounts

There are many ways for you to get discounts. Low mileage and being a student driver with a good rating are good reasons for discounts. Also you could bind your car insurance with other types of insurances such as home insurance to get discounts. Wearing seat belts consistently and safe driving could also bring you discounts. Being a member of alumni associations and professional bodies also could bring you discounts.

Ask your insurance company for discounts for whatever you quality from the above lot of qualifications for discounts. There are variations in discounts between companies. Therefore read about the discounts paid by your company in their website.

Raise Deductibles

Raising your deductibles is also a good way to reduce the cost on your comprehensive and collision coverage. Increasing it from $200 to 500 you could reduce the premium by 15 to 30 percent. In case you make it $1000 you will save 40% but this may not be the best option because you need to have cash in hand in the event of an accident. Therefore, the best is to have it around $500.

Avoid unnecessary coverage

In case you get comprehensive and collision coverage for your old car, the payment you will get from your insurance may not exceed your premium and the deductible when added together. Therefore, you must avoid such coverage.

Remove Extras

One thing you could drop is rental reimbursement coverage. Instead, try the possibility of using your wife’s car or try taking public transport. Emergency roadside assistance is another thing you could afford to leave because you get support from AAA if you are a member.